[Exclusive] Group configuration

Group System

How to Create and Join Groups (Party)

Press the “P” key to open the “Window Party” tab, located in the top left corner of the screen. In this section, you can manage groups and interact with other players. Check out the main features available below:

Creating a Group

Click on the gear icon next to the “Window Party” tab.

This option allows you to create a new custom group, defining the settings according to your preferences.

My Party

The password must contain between 4 and 12 characters.

Joining an Existing Group

To the right of the gear icon, you will see the “Join Party” icon.
By clicking on it, you can join groups already created by other players.

Automatic Settings

Within the “Join Party” options, you can choose whether to automatically join a group when invited.
This feature is useful for speeding up entry into matches or group activities.

Join Party

Joining a Password-Protected Group

To join a group that requires a password, follow the steps below:

In the “Character” field, enter the name of the group leader.
In the “Password” field, type the password provided by the leader.
Click the “Join Party” button to enter the group.

Automatic Group Join
If you want to automatically join a group when invited, check the “Automatic Party Approval” option. This feature is ideal for those who prefer speed and don’t want to manually confirm each received invitation.

To leave the group click on leave party.

Best Regards,
Dynasty of Loki.

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