<< Guild Commands >>

Check online guild members and guilds you have alliance or war with

/guildtax [tax rate]
Command use to adjust guild’s taxes (Taxes range 0-30)
Used by guild masters to set the taxes on the town they conquer

/create [guild name]
Create new guild at a cost of 100,000,000 gold

/handover [guild member’s name]
Pass the guild leader medal to any guild member

Summon all guild members that are online
– Guild master can summon all guild members, including chief guild master
– Chief guild master can summon members that belong to his sub guild
(Only guild master and chief guild master can summon)

/cancellation [guild member’s name]
Expel certain guild member out of the guild
Guild member can also use to leave from guild

/relo [guild member’s name]
Teleport to any guild or party member
> Only master, chief, characters that are wearing the medal of kingdom
and Foema type of characters with party summon skill

End the war with other guild

End the alliance with other guild

<< Chat Commands >>

/character name [Content of Chat]
Whisper other characters

/r [message]
Reply the last person to whisper you

= [message]
Party chat, only party members can see it

– [message]
Guild tag on : Guild chat, only guild members can see
Guild tag off : Global chat, only characters with no guild can see

— [message]
Allies chat, allies and your guild members can see it
>Guild tag should be on
Guild tag off : Global chat, only characters with no guild can see

* [message]
Display message above player’s head for 10 seconds

/character name ! [message]
Send a massage to a certain player, it will dissapear
when the other player logs out

/snd [message]
Shows a notice to the message sender

<< Citizen Commands >>

Use to leave from registered citizen

/[character name]
Show a character’s guild, citizenship and fame

<< Kingdom Commands >>

Teleport players to their respective kingdom
> Only applies to players that belong to a kingdom
> Requires a warp scroll to use this command

Teleport players to the king
> Only applies to players that belong to a kingdom
> Requires a warp scroll to use this command

<< Other Commands >>

Shows or hides experience gained

Turns on or off special effects

Turn on or off whisper chat

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